BOOKING PLANE (reserved to General Aviation & Ultralights Pilots)
Advanced Ultralights planes: 100HP Sparviero and Pioneer 300
with retractable gear, variable pitch propeller, autopilot,
Tcas - (Pilot + 1 Pax)
General Aviation
plane: Cessna 172N SkyHawk II - (Pilot + 3 Pax)
All services from Air Salento
A.S.D. are directed to Members only.
Rent is fuel inclusive.
choose date (dd/mm/yyyy)
RMK: In case of bad weather or active reservations, date of rent could be changed and will be agreed by email or phone.
see "planes"
Enter how many time you wish to rent the plane
(for example: enter 0.5 for half an hour; enter 1.5 for one hour and half).
For informations about discounts on packages of hours on board of Cessna click here
Member Air Salento A.S.D.
Non-Members must join the Air Salento Association
Aviosuperficie "Corte" a 3 km da Maglie (Lecce)
S.P. 361 Maglie-Gallipoli, km. 3